Marriott San Diego – Mission Valley
8757 Rio San Diego Drive, Meeting Room Sierra 5 & 6
San Diego, CA 92108
(619) 692-3800
Board Members
Michael Erickson, PhD, President
Nicole J. Jones, Public Member, Vice-President
Lucille Acquaye-Baddoo, Public Member
Johanna Arias-Bhatia, Public Member
Miguel Gallardo, PsyD
Andrew Harlem, PhD
Jacqueline Horn, PhD
Stephen Phillips, PsyD
Linda Starr, Public Member
Legal Counsel
Kurt Heppler
Ravi Kapoor
Board Staff
Antonette Sorrick, Executive Officer
Jeffrey Thomas, Assistant Executive Officer
Sandra Monterrubio, Enforcement Program Manager
Karen Johnson, Licensing Coordinator
Thursday-Friday, November 12-13, 2015
The Board plans to webcast this meeting on its website. Webcast availability cannot, however, be guaranteed due to limitations on resources or technical difficulties that may arise. If you wish to participate or to have a guaranteed opportunity to observe, please plan to attend at a physical location. Adjournment, if it is the only item that occurs after a closed session, may not be webcast. A link to the webcast will be available on the Board’s Website at 9:00 a.m. November 12 2015, or you may access it at: Links to agenda items with attachments are available at, prior to the meeting date.
Thursday, November 12, 2015
9:00 a.m. – OPEN SESSION
Unless noticed for a specific time, items may be heard at any time during the period of the Board meeting.
The Board welcomes and encourages public participation in its meetings. The public may take appropriate opportunities to comment on any issue before the Board at the time the item is heard. If public comment is not specifically requested, members of the public should feel free to request an opportunity to comment.
1. Call To Order/Roll Call/Establishment of a Quorum
2. President’s Welcome
3. Public Comment for Items not on the Agenda
4. Approval of Minutes: May 14-15, 2015
5. Approval of Minutes: August 13-14, 2015
6. Budget Report (J. Thomas)
7. Enforcement Division Overview and Presentation (S. Monterrubio/ R. Kapoor/K. Heppler)
8. ASPPB 2015 Annual Meeting Synopsis
9. Executive Officer’s Report (A. Sorrick)
b) CPS Program Analysis Update
c) Annual Report to the State Legislature
d) Other Informational Items
2:00 p.m.
10. Petition for Early Termination/Modification of Probation – Timothy Beach, PsyD
The Board will meet in closed session pursuant to Government Code Section 11126(c)(3) to discuss disciplinary matters including the above petition, petitions for reconsideration, stipulations, and proposed decisions.
12. Outreach and Education Committee Report and Consideration of Committee Recommendations (Gallardo – Chairperson, Acquaye-Baddoo, Starr)
a) Strategic Plan Update (A. Sorrick)
b) Communications Plan Update (A. Sorrick)
c) Social Media Update (J. Thomas)
d) Website Update (J. Thomas)
e) Newsletter (A. Sorrick)
f) Outreach Activities Update (A. Sorrick)
g) Access to Mental Healthcare in the State of California Campaign Update (M. Gallardo)
h) Outreach to Encourage Continuing Education Courses in Geriatric Pharmacology, Psychopharmacology, and Biological Basis of Behavior Courses Pursuant to Business and Professions Code Sections 2914.1 and 2914.2
Friday, November 13, 2015
9:00 a.m. - OPEN SESSION
13. Legislation Update and Review; Possible Action (Jones)
a) AB 12 (Cooley) State Government: Administrative Regulations
b) AB 19 (Chang) State Government: Regulations
c) AB 259 (Dababneh) Personal Information: Privacy
d) AB 483 (Patterson) Healing Arts: Initial License Fees: Proration
e) AB 507 (Olsen) Department of Consumer Affairs
f) AB 611 (Dahle) Controlled substances: prescriptions: reporting
g) AB 618 (Maienschein) Parole: Primary Mental Health
h) AB 848 (Stone) Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Treatment Facilities
i) AB 1279 (Holden) Music Therapy
j) SB 52 (Walters) Regulatory Boards: Healing Arts
k) SB 128 (Wolk) – End of
l) SB 130 (Roth) Mental Health
m) SB 259 (Bates) Health Care Professionals
n) SB 272 (Hertzberg) - The California Public Records Act: Local Agencies: Inventory
o) SB 468 (Hill) Bureau of Security and Investigative Services: licensees
p) AB 705 (Eggman) - Exempt Settings (Business and Professions Code Sections 2909, 2909.5, 2910)
q) AB 773 (Baker) - Expiration of License/Birth Date Renewal Legislation
r) AB 750 (Low) Business and professions: licenses
s) AB 832 (Garcia) Child Abuse: Reportable Conduct
t) AB 1351(Eggman) Deferred Entry of Judgment: Pretrial Diversion
u) AB 1352 (Eggman) Deferred Entry of Judgment: Withdrawal of Plea
v) AB 1374 (Levine) Submission of Supervised Professional Experience/ Fee 2914(c)
w) AB 1542 (Mathis/Cooley): Worker’s Compensation: Neuropsychologists
x) SB 800 (Senate Business, Professions, and Economic Development Committee)
y) SB 479 (Bates) Healing Arts: ABA
z) AB 85 (Wilk) Open
i) AB 333 (Melendez) Healing arts: Continuing Education
ii) AB 796 (Nazarian) Health Care Coverage: Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorders
iii) Update regarding the California Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act (CANRA) and Mandated Reporting – Penal Code Sections 261.5, 288, and 11165.1 (J. Thomas)
iv) Legislative Proposals – Discussion, Consideration, and Possible Action on Amendments to the following sections of the Business and Professions Code (J. Thomas)
a. 2913: Services by Psychological Assistants
b. 2915: Continuing Education Requirements; Practice Outside Fields of Competence
c. 2947: Appointment of Commissioners on Examination; Qualifications
d. Proposed 2934.1: Internet Information
e. Proposed 2988.5: Retired License Status
The Licensing Committee Will Meet in Closed Session Pursuant to Government Code Section 11126(c)(2) to consider and Make a Recommendation Regarding the following:
a) Request from J.M. for an Extension of the 30-consecutive Month Requirement to Accrue 1500 Hours of Post-doctoral Supervised Professional Experience Pursuant to Section 1387(a) for the California Code of Regulations
b) Request from J.B. for an Extension of the 30-consecutive Month Requirement to Accrue 1500 Hours of Post-doctoral Supervised Professional Experience Pursuant to Section 1387(a) for the California Code of Regulations
c) Request from V.W. for an Extension of the 30-consecutive Month Requirement to Accrue 1500 Hours of Pre-doctoral Supervised Professional Experience Pursuant to Section 1387(a) for the California Code of Regulations
15. Licensing Committee Report and Consideration of Committee Recommendations – (Horn – Chairperson, Harlem, Jones, Phillips)
a) Licensing Report (K. Johnson)
b) Continuing Education Report (K. Johnson)
c) Review and Revision of Business and Professions Code Section 2915: Continuing Education Requirements; Practice Outside Fields of Competence
d) Review and Revision of Proposed CE/CPD Regulations
e) Consider Licensing Committee Recommendation Regarding Request from J.M. for an Extension of the 30-consecutive Month Requirement to Accrue 1500 Hours of Post-doctoral Supervised Professional Experience Pursuant to Section 1387(a) for the California Code of Regulations
f) Consider Licensing Committee Recommendation Regarding Request from J.B. for an Extension of the 30-consecutive Month Requirement to Accrue 1500 Hours of Post-doctoral Supervised Professional Experience Pursuant to Section 1387(a) for the California Code of Regulations
g) Consider Licensing Committee Recommendation Regarding Request from V.W. for an Extension of the 30-consecutive Month Requirement to Accrue 1500 Hours of Pre-doctoral Supervised Professional Experience Pursuant to Section 1387(a) for the California Code of Regulations
16. Enforcement Committee Report and Consideration of Committee Recommendations - (Acquaye-Baddoo, Chairperson, Phillips)
a) Proposed Changes to the Disciplinary Guidelines – Title 16, CCR, Section 1397.12
b) Proposed Changes to the Expert Reviewer Program
17. Sunset Review Committee Report and Consideration of Committee Recommendation (M. Erickson)
a) Proposed Sunset Review Report – Due to the Senate Business, Professions and Economic Development Committee on December 1, 2015
18. President’s Report (M. Erickson)
a) NC Dental Board Examiners Case Update
b) 2016 Meeting Calendar and Locations
c) Other Informational Items
19. Election of Officers
20. Recommendations for Agenda Items for Future Board Meetings
21. The Board will Meet in Closed Session Pursuant to Government Code Section 11126(a)(1) to conduct its annual evaluation of its Executive Officer
22. Adjournment
All times are approximate and subject to change. The meeting may be canceled or changed without notice. For verification, please check the Board’s Web site at, or call (916) 574-7720. Action may be taken on any item on the agenda. Items may be taken out of order, tabled or held over to a subsequent meeting, and items scheduled to be heard on Thursday may be held over to Friday, items scheduled to be heard on Friday may be moved up to Thursday, for convenience, to accommodate speakers, or to maintain a quorum.
Meetings of the Board of Psychology are open to the public except when specifically noticed otherwise in accordance with the Open Meeting Act. The public may take appropriate opportunities to comment on any issue before the Board at the time the item is heard, but the President may, at his discretion, apportion available time among those who wish to speak.
The meeting is accessible to the physically disabled. A person who needs a disability-related accommodation or modification in order to participate in the meeting may make a request by contacting Antonette Sorrick, Executive Officer, at (916) 574-7720 or email or send a written request addressed to 1625 N. Market Boulevard, Suite N-215, Sacramento, CA 95834. Providing your request at least five (5) business days before the meeting will help ensure availability of the requested accommodation.