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EPPP2 Task Force Meeting
Notice & Agenda

Department of Consumer Affairs
1747 N. Market Blvd., HQ2 Hearing Room #186
Sacramento, CA 95834
(916) 574-7720

Thursday, April 5, 2018


Task Force Members
Sheryl Casuga, PsyD, Board Member, Chairperson
Seyron Foo,Board Member
Amy Welch-Gandy, Office of Professional Examination
Services (OPES)
Paul Marcille, PhD, Representative of California
Psychological Association (CPA)
Crystal Faith Cajilog, Student Representative of California Psychological Association of Graduate Students
Anushree Belur, Student Representative of California
Psychological Association of Graduate Students for The Chicago School of Professional Psychology
William Bloxham, Student Representative of JFK University
5th Year Student
Sheri L. Johnson, Director of Clinical Training, Representative
of University of California
Rene Puliatti, Esq, Representative of California Psychology Internship Council (CAPIC)
Andrew Harlem, PhD, Representative of California Institute
of Integral Studies
Gilbert Newman, PhD, Representative of The Wright Institute
Jay Finkelman, PhD, Representative of The Chicago School of Professional Psychology
Alejandra Ojeda-Beck, Student Representative of California Psychological Association of Graduate Students, UC Berkeley
Sherri Sedler, Student Representative of California Psychological Association of Graduate Students, California Southern University
Olga Belik, PhD, Representative of California Psychological Association (CPA), Division II

Legal Counsel
Norine Marks

Board Staff
Antonette Sorrick, Executive Officer
Jeffrey Thomas, Assistant Executive Officer
Stephanie Cheung, Licensing Manager
Cherise Burns, Central Services Manager
Lavinia Snyder, Examination Coordinator
Jason Glasspiegel, Central Services Coordinator

Links to agenda items with attachments are available at www.psychology.ca.gov, prior to the meeting date.

Thursday, April 5, 2018

The Board plans to webcast this meeting on its website. Webcast availability cannot, however, be guaranteed due to limitations on resources or technical difficulties that may arise. If you wish to participate or to have a guaranteed opportunity to observe, please plan to attend at the physical location. Adjournment, if it is the only item that occurs after a closed session, may not be webcast. A link to the webcast will be available on the Board's Website at 8:30 a.m. on April 5, 2018, or you may access it at: https://thedcapage.wordpress.com/webcasts/. Links to agenda items with attachments are available at www.psychology.ca.gov prior to the meeting date.

9:30 a.m. to – 5:00 p.m. , or until completion of business

The Committee welcomes and encourages public participation in its meetings. The public may take appropriate opportunities to comment on any issue before the Board at the time the item is heard. If public comment is not specifically requested, members of the public should feel free to request an opportunity to comment.

  1. Call to Order/Roll Call/Establishment of a Quorum
  1. Chairperson Welcome
  • Public Comment(s) for Items not on the Agenda. Note: The Committee May not Discuss or Take Action on any Matter Raised During This Public Comment Section, Except to Decide whether to Place the Matter on the Agenda of a Future Meeting [Government Code sections 11125 and 11125.7(a)]
  1. Review and Discussion of the Development and Implementation of ASPPB’s Enhanced EPPP (Presented by Dr. Emil Rodolfa, Chair of the ASPPB EPPP2 Implementation Task Force and Dr. Matthew Turner, ASPPB Director of Examination Program)
  1. Task Force Discussion of the following issues:
    1. Is Implementation of a New National Licensing Examination in the Best Interests of California Consumers of Psychological Services and Prospective Licensees?
    2. Should the Board Allow ASPPB to Determine Eligibility for Taking the National Examination for California Applicants? Should There Be Different Eligibility Criteria?
  • How California Licensing Requirements May Be Impacted if ASPPB Allows Candidates to Directly Register For and Take the EPPP (Part 1) Prior to Graduation and Completion of 1,500 Hours of Supervised Professional Experience?
  1. Recommendations to the Board in Light of Discussion -- Review and Determine Whether There Would Be Necessary Statutory Changes to Bus. & Prof. Code sections 2940-2944, and Regulatory Changes to Article 4. of Title 16 of the California Code of Regulations, sections 1388-1389.1 -- Examination.
  1. Recommendations for Agenda Items for Future Task Force Meetings. Note: The Task Force may not discuss or take action on any matter raised during this public comment section, except to decide whether to place the matter on the agenda of a future meeting [Government Code Sections 11125 and 11125.7(a)].


All times are approximate and subject to change. The meeting may be canceled or changed without notice. For verification, please check the Board's Web site at www.psychology.ca.gov, or call (916) 574-7720. Action may be taken on any item on the agenda. Items may be taken out of order, tabled or held over to a subsequent meeting, for convenience, to accommodate speakers, or to maintain a quorum.

In the event a quorum of the committee is unable to attend the meeting, or the committee is unable to maintain a quorum once the meeting is called to order, the president or chair of the meeting may, at his or her discretion, continue to discuss items from the agenda and to vote to make recommendations to the full board at a future meeting.

Meetings of the Board of Psychology are open to the public except when specifically noticed otherwise in accordance with the Open Meeting Act. The public may take appropriate opportunities to comment on any issue before the Board or its committees, at the time the item is heard, but the President or Committee Chair may, at his or her discretion, apportion available time among those who wish to speak.  Board members who are present who are not members of the Committee may observe, but may not participate or vote.

The meeting is accessible to the physically disabled. A person who needs a disability-related accommodation or modification in order to participate in the meeting may make a request by contacting Antonette Sorrick, Executive Officer, at (916) 574-7720 or email bopmail@dca.ca.gov or send a written request addressed to 1625 N. Market Boulevard, Suite N-215, Sacramento, CA 95834. Providing your request at least five (5) business days before the meeting will help ensure availability of the requested accommodation. Links to agenda items, with exhibits are available at www.psychology.ca.gov, prior to the meeting date.

The goal of the Outreach and Education Committee is to provide critical information to all Californians regarding the evolving practice of psychology, relevant and emerging issues in the field of psychology, and the work of the Board.