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December 12, 2016

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Office of Public Affairs, (916) 574-8170

Lafayette man charged with possession of child pornography

SACRAMENTO – Child Psychologist Dr. Kenneth Allen Breslin, 68, of Lafayette, has been prohibited by the criminal court upon the request from the California Board of Psychology (Board) from practicing during the pendency of his criminal court case.

In October 2016, Breslin was arrested for possession of child pornography after an investigation and execution of a search warrant allegedly turned up a “significant quantity” of child pornography in his home.

According to the administrative accusation filed by the Board, which is the charge filed to begin the process of disciplining a license, on or about October 5, 2016, law enforcement officers discovered evidence of child pornography, including images and videos on a laptop computer and three hard drives at Dr. Breslin’s business “A Child’s Point of View,” located in Orinda. Law enforcement also discovered evidence of child pornography on a laptop and thumb drive in his Lafayette home.

The criminal proceeding against Breslin will resume on January 12, 2017, at 1:30p.m. in Department 19 at Contra Costa County Superior Court.

View the accusation and the order here.

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ABOUT THE CALIFORNIA BOARD OF PSYCHOLOGY: The Board of Psychology’s mission is to advance quality psychological services for Californians by ensuring ethical and legal practice and supporting the evolution of the profession. For information on how to file a complaint, or for information about the Board of Psychology, visit us at www.psychology.ca.gov

ABOUT DCA: The Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA) promotes and protects the interests of California consumers while ensuring a competent and fair marketplace. DCA helps consumers learn how to protect themselves from unscrupulous and unqualified individuals. The department also protects professionals (licensees) from unfair competition by unlicensed practitioners. Consumers can file complaints against licensees by contacting DCA at (800) 952-5210. Consumers can also file a complaint online at www.dca.ca.gov.