LEGISLATIVE ADVISORY: AB 2754 (Bauer-Kahan), Psychology: supervision (effective August 22, 2022)
Legislative Advisory: AB 2754 (Bauer-Kahan), Psychology: supervision (effective August 22, 2022)
Attention Board of Psychology (Board) stakeholders:
AB 2754 (Bauer-Kahan, Chapter 163, Statutes of 2022) was signed by the Governor on August 22, 2022, and took effect immediately. This bill amends Business and Professions Code sections 2913 and 2914 to authorize that the supervision of a registered psychological associate and of an applicant for licensure as a psychologist, respectively, be provided in real time, which is defined as through in-person or synchronous audiovisual means, in compliance with federal and state laws related to patient health confidentiality.
Executive Order N-39-20 allowed the Department of Consumer Affairs to temporarily waive licensing requirements, as it did for face-to-face psychological supervision. This bill permanently authorizes the use of in-person or synchronous audiovisual means for the purposes of psychological supervision