LEGISLATIVE ADVISORY: SB 1428 (Archuleta), Psychological testing technicians (Effective January 1, 2024).
SB 1428 (Archuleta, Chapter 622, Statutes of 2022) was signed by the Governor on September 27, 2022. This bill adds Article 10 to the Psychological Practice Act, commencing with Business and Professions Code (BPC) section 2999.100 to create a new registration within the Board for psychological testing technicians.
This bill authorizes an individual to administer and score objective psychological or neuropsychological tests, as well as observe and describe the clients’ test behavior and test responses, if that individual is registered with the Board as a psychological testing technician and meets specified education requirements, or if the individual is gaining specified education requirements to be a psychological testing technician. A psychological testing technician shall not select tests or versions of tests, interpret test results, write test results, and provide test feedback to clients.
To register as a psychological testing technician, an individual must meet the following requirements.
- Have a bachelor’s or graduate degree in psychology, educational psychology, counseling psychology or school psychology, or be currently enrolled in a graduate degree program.
- Complete a minimum of 80 hours of education and training that may done in an individual or group instruction provided by a licensed psychologist, engaging in independent learning, completion of graduate-level coursework, or taking continuing education.
- At least 40 hours of administering and scoring tests in the presence of a licensed psychologist.
- At least 20 hours of direct observation, including at least 10 hours of direct observation of a licensed psychologist administering and scoring tests, and at least 10 hours of direct observation of either a licensed psychologist or registered psychological testing technician administering and scoring tests.
- At least 20 hours of education on topics including law and ethics, confidentiality, and best practices for test administration and scoring.
- Requires all psychological testing technicians to work under the direct supervision of a licensed psychologist and requires the supervisor to be:
- Employed by the same work setting as the psychological testing technician.
- Available in-person, by telephone or by other appropriate technology.
- Responsible for the ensuring that the extent, kind, and quality of the services that the psychological testing technician provides are consistent with the psychological testing technician's training and experience, monitoring the psychological testing technician is in compliance with laws and regulations, and informing the client that a psychological testing technician will be rendering services.
- Pay a fee of $75 for initial registration.
- Provide the Board with Live Scan electronic fingerprint image scans for a state- and federal-level criminal offender record information search conducted through the Department of Justice.
To annually renew as a psychological testing technician, a registrant must do the following:
- - Provide the registrant’s name, registration number, and contact information.
- - Provide the supervisor’s name, license number, and contact information.
- - Disclose whether the registrant has been convicted of any violation of the law in this or any other state, the United States or its territories, military court, or other country
- - Disclose whether the registrant has had a license or registration disciplined by a governmental agency or other disciplinary body, since the issuance or previous renewal of their registration. Discipline includes, but is not limited to, suspension, revocation, voluntary surrender, probation, reprimand, or any other restriction on a license or registration held.
- - Attest under penalty of perjury that the information provided on the application is true and correct.
- - Pay a fee of $75 for annual renewal.
To add or change supervisors, a registered psychological testing technician must do the following:
- - Provide the Board the Registrant’s name, registration number, and contact information.
- - Provide the Board the new or additional supervisor’s name, license number, and contact information.
- - Provide the Board the current supervisor’s name, license number, and contact information.
- - Attest under penalty of perjury that the information provided on the application is true and correct.
Eligible applicants can apply for registration beginning on January 4, 2024, through BreEZe.