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Attendance at a California Board of Psychology Meeting FAQ

  • What is Attendance at a California Board of Psychology Meeting? (8 hours maximum per renewal period)

    Answer: It is attending a Committee or Board Meeting of the California Board of Psychology in-person, or virtually when available.

  • What should be included in the record of attendance at a California Board of Psychology Meeting?

    Answer: The record of attendance at a California Board of Psychology Meeting should include the following: date of meeting, type of meeting (Board or Committee), and number of hours attended. A psychologist requesting CPD credit pursuant to this subdivision for in-person meetings shall have signed in and out on an attendance sheet, providing their first and last name, license number, time of arrival and time of departure from the meeting. See below for how the record of attendance is noted for virtual meetings.

    Note: Meetings lasting three (3) hours or less are credited based on actual meeting hours present, while meetings lasting more than three (3) hours for which the licensee is present the entire time can be counted as six (6) hours.

  • Where can I find the dates for upcoming Board and/or Committee Meetings?

    Answer: You can view upcoming Board and/or Committee Meetings in the Board Meeting/Event Calendar at https://www.psychology.ca.gov/about_us/meetings/index.shtml.

  • Where do I find the address or weblink for an upcoming Board or Committee meeting?

    Answer: WebEx meeting links or the physical address will be posted on the meeting agenda. Agendas are typically posted 2-3 weeks before the meeting. The agendas are posted on the Board Meeting/Event Calendar found at: https://www.psychology.ca.gov/about_us/meetings/index.shtml.

  • If I watch a live Board meeting can I receive CPD credit?

    Answer: CPD credit is only available to licensees who attend a live Board meeting at a physical location listed on the meeting agenda or via WebEx (if available), and comply with the applicable sign in protocols for their method of attendance. Individuals attending a meeting at a physical address must sign in and out on the available attendance sheet at the location. For meetings held on WebEx, attendees must sign in to the meeting per the instructions provided below. (See FAQ titled “What is the sign in sheet for meetings conducted through WebEx?”). Also, watching a live webcast via the Department of Consumer Affairs’ Live Webcast page at https://thedcapage.blog/webcasts/ or a recording of a past Board or Committee Meeting will not count towards CPD credit.

  • What is the sign in sheet for meetings conducted through WebEx?

    Answer: To receive CPD credit for attending a Board or Committee meeting through WebEx or WebEx.com, individuals must sign into WebEx with their first and last name, license number, and email address, per the example below:

    WebEx login screen asking for Name and Email Address

    Please avoid sharing personal identification information, such as your name and license number, in the chat to maintain privacy and confidentiality in professional settings.

  • What if I called in to the meeting?

    Answer: If you call into a meeting (if available), email BOPCE@dca.ca.gov and provide the phone number you used for your attendance, as well as your name and license number for recording purposes. The Board cannot verify your attendance, and provide CPD credit, without this information.

  • How many CPD hours will I receive for attending the full meeting?

    Answer: The amount of CPD hours you will be credited will be announced at the end of the meeting. Meetings lasting three (3) hours or less are credited based on actual meeting hours present, while meetings lasting more than three (3) hours for which the licensee is present the entire time can be counted as six (6) hours.

  • Are half hours accepted for CPD credit?

    Answer: Yes, half hours are accepted for CPD credit; however, unless otherwise specified, no less than one (1) hour credit may be claimed and no more than the maximum number of allowable hours may be claimed for each renewal period.

  • What if I arrive after the start time posted on the meeting Agenda?

    Answer: If you arrive after the start time posted on the meeting Agenda, you will receive CPD credit for the duration of your attendance. If you are attending the meeting from a physical location, you must sign in on the available attendance sheet and accurately list your time of arrival. If you are attending the meeting via WebEx, you must sign in by providing your first and last name, license number, and email address, and the Board will automatically be notified of your arrival time.

    Meetings lasting three (3) hours or less are credited based on actual meeting hours present, while meetings lasting more than three (3) hours for which the licensee is present the entire time can be counted as six (6) hours.

  • Do I need to participate in the meeting to receive CPD credit?

    Answer: No, participation is not a requirement for receiving CPD credit.