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Board Meeting Agenda

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Pepperdine University Graduate School of Education and Psychology
6100 Center Drive, Rooms 333-334
Los Angeles, CA 90045
(310) 568-5600

Board Members

Michael Erickson, Ph.D., President
Miguel Gallardo, Psy.D, Vice-President
Lucille Acquaye-Baddoo, Public Member
Johanna Arias-Bhatia, Public Member
Andrew Harlem, Ph.D.
Jacqueline Horn, Ph.D.
Nicole Jones, Public Member
Stephen Phillips, Psy.D.
Linda Starr, Public Member

Legal Counsel

Norine Marks

Board Staff

Antonette Sorrick, Executive Officer
Jeffrey Thomas, Assistant Executive Officer
Lavinia Snyder, Licensing Coordinator
Jonathan Burke, Administrative Coordinator
Colette McDowell, Continuing Education/Renewals Coordinator

Thursday - Friday, May 15-16, 2014

This meeting will be webcast. Committee meetings are not webcast; however each Committee's report is webcast when the full board reconvenes as noticed on the attached agenda. A link to the webcast will be available on the Board's Web site at 9:00 a.m., May 15-16, 2014, or you may access it at:

Links to agenda items with attachments are available at www.psychology.ca.gov, prior to the meeting date.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

9:30 a.m. – OPEN SESSION

The Board welcomes and encourages public participation in its meetings. The public may take appropriate opportunities to comment on any issue before the Board at the time the item is heard.

Call To Order/Roll Call/Establishment of a Quorum

1. President’s Welcome

2. Approval of Minutes: February 20-21, 2014 Board Meeting

3. Budget Report (J. Burke)

4. Review Board Procedure Manual (J. Burke)

5. Licensing Presentation (J. Horn)

a) Overview of the Licensing Process (L. Snyder)
b) YouTube Video – Psychologist Application (L. Snyder)
c) Q&A (All)

6. Enforcement Report (J. Thomas)

Break for Lunch


Committees will meet to discuss those issues that will be addressed by the full Board during the committee report, presented by the committee chairperson.

A quorum of the Board may be present at the Committee meetings. Board members who are not on the Committee may observe, but may not participate or vote. Each committee meeting will begin with voluntary introduction of attendees.

Policy and Advocacy Committee – (Jones – Chairperson, Erickson, Harlem)

a) Legislation Update, Review and Action, as Necessary (J. Burke)

1) AB 790 (Gomez) – Child Abuse Reporting (Position)
2) AB 1505 (Garcia) – Child Abuse: Mandated Reporters (Position)
3) AB 1702 (Maienschein) – Professions and Vocations: Incarceration (Position)
4) AB 1758 (Patterson) – Healing arts: License Renewal Fees (Position)
5) AB 1843 (Gordon/Jones) – Child Custody Evaluations (Position)
6) AB 2165 (Patterson) – Professions and Vocations: Licenses (Position)
7) AB 2198 (Levine) – Mental Health Professionals and Suicide Prevention (Position)
8) AB 2396 (Bonta) – Convictions: Expungement: Licenses (Position)
9) SB 1446 (DeSaulnier) – Health Care Coverage (Position)
10) Legislative Status Report & 2014 Legislative Calendar

b) Regulation Update, Review and Action, as Necessary (J. Burke)

1) Title 16, CCR, Section 1397.12 – Uniform Standards Related to Substance Abuse and Disciplinary Guidelines
2) Title 16, CCR, Sections 1388, 1388.6, 1389, 1392 – Examinations, License Requirements and Waiver of Examination, Reconsideration of Examinations, Psychologist Fees
3) Title 16, CCR, Sections 1397.60, 1397.61, 1397.62, 1397.67 – Definitions, Continuing Education Requirements, Continuing Education Exemptions and Exceptions, Renewal After Inactive or Delinquent Status

c) Discussion Regarding the California Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act (CANRA) and Mandated Reporting - Penal Code Sections 261.5, 288, and 11165.1 (J. Burke)
d) Public Comment for Items Not on the Agenda

Licensing Committee – (Horn – Chairperson, Phillips, Arias-Bhatia)

a) Application Report (L. Snyder)
b) Examination Report (L. Snyder)
c) Renewal Report (C. McDowell)
d) Continuing Education Report (C. McDowell)
e) Satisfaction Survey Results (L. Snyder)
f) Discussion of Supervised Professional Experience - Proposed Statutory and Regulation Changes to Business and Professions Code Section 2914 (c) and Title 16, CCR, Sections 1387 (b) (10), (11), and 1387.1 (h) (L. Snyder)
g) Discuss Limitations of Exemption Period Granted Under Business and Professions Code Section 2910 and Welfare & Institutions Code Section 5751.2 (L. Snyder)
h) Accommodations Policy for English as a Second Language Test Candidates (L. Snyder)
i) Licensing Action Plan – Proposed Improvements to the Licensing Process - Update (L. Snyder)
j) ASPPB Items (J. Horn)

1) Update Regarding Review of Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards (ASPPB) Draft E. Passport Guidelines established by the ASPPB Task Force on Telepsychology
2) Report on ASPPB Mid-Year Meeting
3) ASPPB Annual Meeting

k) Discuss Implementation of AB 1588 (Atkins) – Military Duty Licensees: Fees and Continuing Education (C. McDowell)
l) Public comment for items not on the agenda

Friday, May 16, 2014



The Board will meet in closed session pursuant to Government Code Section 11126(c)(3) to discuss and vote on disciplinary matters including stipulations and proposed decisions, and pursuant to Government Code Section 11126(e)(1) to discuss pending litigation (Weiss vs. Board of Psychology).


Outreach and Education Committee (Gallardo – Chairperson, Acquaye-Baddoo, Starr)

a) Review and Approve Draft Strategic Plan (A. Sorrick)
b) Review and Approve Communications Plan (A. Sorrick)
c) Social Media Update (J. Burke)
d) Web site Changes/Additions (J. Burke)
e) Newsletter (J. Burke)
f) Outreach Activities Update (A. Sorrick)
g) Public comment for items not on the agenda


7. Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards (ASPBB) PLUS Program Presentation (J. Rallo/J. Orwig)

8. ASPPB Board Member Training (A. Siegel)

9. Policy and Advocacy Committee Report – Jones (refer to committee items above)

10. Licensing Committee Report – Horn (refer to committee items above)

11. Outreach and Education Committee Report – Gallardo (refer to committee items above)

12. President’s Report (M. Erickson)

a) 2014-15 Meeting Calendar and Locations
b) Other Informational Items

13. Executive Officer’s Report (A. Sorrick)

a) Organizational Update
b) CPS Program Analysis
c) Other Informational Items

14. Recommendations for Agenda Items for Future Board Meetings

15. Public Comment for Items not on the Agenda

16. Adjournment

All times are approximate and subject to change. The meeting may be canceled or changed without notice. For verification, please check the Board’s Web site at www.psychology.ca.gov, or call (916) 574-7720. Action may be taken on any item on the agenda. Items may be taken out of order, tabled or held over to a subsequent meeting, and items scheduled to be heard on Thursday may be held over to Friday, items scheduled to be heard on Friday may be moved up to Thursday, for convenience, to accommodate speakers, or to maintain a quorum.

Meetings of the Board of Psychology are open to the public except when specifically noticed otherwise in accordance with the Open Meeting Act. The public may take appropriate opportunities to comment on any issue before the Board at the time the item is heard, but the President may, at his discretion, apportion available time among those who wish to speak.

The meeting is accessible to the physically disabled. A person who needs a disability-related accommodation or modification in order to participate in the meeting may make a request by contacting Antonette Sorrick, Executive Officer, at (916) 574-7720 or email bopmail@dca.ca.gov or send a written request addressed to 1625 N. Market Boulevard, Suite N-215, Sacramento, CA 95834. Providing your request at least five (5) business days before the meeting will help ensure availability of the requested accommodation.

Links to agenda items, with exhibits are available at www.psychology.ca.gov, prior to the meeting date.